Training Diary – Dance Lessons

Training Diary – Dance Lessons

Training Diary is the logbook that once leafed through takes us on a pleasant journey of daily workouts.
A series of intermediate and advanced level dance lessons that you can download for free from our website.
Ten practical lessons using the Vaganova method both in the setting of exercises and in defining positions.
Classes include:

  • Exercises at the barre such as demi pliè, bartement tendu, bartement tendu jetè, rond de jambe par terre, bartement fondu, ron de jambe en l’air, adagio, frappè, petit bartement sour le coud de pied, grand bartement tendu jetè.
  • Exercises in the center and diagonals
  • Jumping exercises

Musical beats are given for each exercise to help you translate each lesson into music.

To download the first three dance classes click on the image below:


Training Diary is a small guide of daily ballet lessons and workouts for students and teachers of intermediate and advanced courses.

To receive subsequent lectures, write to

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